Join the dealer program
Supply with Confidence
Providing customers with quality and at a great price is at the foundation of retail supply. Not only does this result in happy customers, but rewards you with their loyalty when it comes to supplying their wants and needs. A foundation of trust is built that results in customers returning time and again to benefit from your experience and connections. By connecting as a dealer with Let's Talk Docks, you supply your customers with quality goods and benefit from our internal logistics that deliver with confidence.
why choose LTD?
We provide sales materials to effectively sell and describe the dock buying process
Custom or modular designs including stairs, dock sections, lifts and accessories
We ship internally to the US North-Eastern Seaboard, Atlantic Provinces, Quebec and Ontario so that we are not reliant on third-party shippers
Built by licensed machinists and welders, efficiently produced with no mass-manufacturing
Proven track record in ocean waters, built to withstand the elements
Unique design and distinct product making your offering unique to your marketplace
Dealer can supply installation, but not required. We can provide installation in the Atlantic provinces